Diamond Hunt Online Wiki

Faradox's tombs is a special combat area in which the only loots are Promethium Armour Mould. To access this, players need to use the Faradox's Crystal Ball to teleport. All monsters found here are ghost-undead monsters, which forces the player to have to cast Ghost Scan. The monsters then are susceptible to Scythe.

Area Cost Cooldown Encounters
Bg 1,000 to 68,000 Energy 8 hours(6 with Hard Combat Achievement Perk) 103 104
105 106

There is a "Dark tombs" version after finishing the Quests#Faradox's Guardian. The loot are Runite Armour Mould and Dark Mushroom

Area Cost Cooldown Encounters
Bg 2 2,000 to 136,000 Energy 8 hours(6 with Hard Combat Achievement Perk) 111 112
113 114


There are five tomb monsters here that can only be fought in order, with different energy cost. Each monster drops an amount of tomb keys, which can be used to open tomb chests for a very rare chance of Promethium Armour Mould parts or Change Promethium Armour Mould spell.

If players lose the fight, they are forced to use all the current keys and have to wait 8 hours of cooldown so the Crystal Ball can be recharged fully. It's still possible to take a usual fight while the orb is charging, however it's not possible to teleport when one is on combat cooldown or in rocket.

The Hard combat achievement perk reduces the cooldown from 8 to 6 hours, and 25% energy for all monsters.

Loot Chance per key
PromethiumHelmetMould 1/250

Dark Faradox's Tombs[]

The Dark tomb is almost similar to the normal one, except for the loots. Runite Armour Mould and Change Runite Armour Mould spell.can be found here instead. There is also a small chance for Dark Mushroom to be found here. If players lose the fight, they are free to fight again without using the Dark tomb keys and not being forced to reset the Dark Faradox's Crystal Ball.

Loot Chance per key
RuniteHelmetMould 1/400
1 -20 DarkMushroom 1/40

Monster analysis[]

Monsters Damage Accuracy Speed Defense HP XP Energy TombKey
103 3 3 3 4 20 350 1,000 1
104 6 6 3 7 30 1,250 5,000 3-6
105 18 18 3 10 50 3,500 12,000 6-9
106 20 20 5 13 20 5,210 20,000 11-30
107 15 15 4 15 300 8,000 30,000 20-60

Most monsters here are quite strong, espcially the Npc105, Npc106 and Npc107, thus using a scythe is highly recommended. The scythe deals double damage and ignores 50% defense against undead creatures.

Dark Faradox's Tombs[]

Monsters Damage Accuracy Speed Defense HP XP Energy DarkTombKey
111 3 3 3 4 40 350 2,000 1
112 6 6 3 7 60 1,250 10,000 3-6
113 18 18 3 10 100 3,500 24,000 6-9
114 20 20 5 13 40 5,210 40,000 11-30
115 15 15 4 15 600 8,000 60,000 20-60

The Dark tomb monsters have same stats as the normal's, except for double HP and healing ability. The healing rate is the same as the monster's attack speed, randomly between 0 and 4 HP. The amount of tomb keys is also the same.

Strategy on Promethium Armour moulds[]

Because the next monster can be fought only after defeating the previous, and the energy cost for all monsters is usually too high to sustain, players need a strategy to balance the cost and time.

Monster Average keys Cumulative energy Cum. XP Cum. XP per energy Cum. keys Cum. energy per key
1st 1 1,000 350 0.35 1 1,000
2nd 4.5 6,000 1,600 0.26 5.5 1,091
3rd 7.5 18,000 5,100 0.28 13 1,385
4th 20.5 38,000 10,310 0.271 33.5 1,134
5th 40 68,000 18,310 0.269 73.5 925

Judging from these results, it's better either to fight all the monsters(with 100% win chance) for best energy and time balance, or just stop after the first monster. Having only one key for every 8(or 6) hours could take a very long time before getting the loot, but it's also the most cost efficiency when energy/food is scarce. Beside that, the 1st monster is easy enough without scythe.
